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Futuretech Airsoft has been offering services, repairs and customisation work since early 2018 but our history goes much further back than that.


As part of the airsoft community as a regular player since 2008, I understood the difficulties in maintaining weapons and finding the parts and facilities for aftermarket modifications.  With a background as a toolmaker and CNC programmer/operator and with a history of working with some of the most respected Paintball manufacturers in the UK, I decided to start breaking down weapons and building them back up myself.


My years of participating in this unique hobby allowed me to reflect on weaknesses in airsoft equipment and accessories. This focused me and set me on my path to become a competent Airsoft Tech with the machinery and ability to make custom parts and develop my own products.


I take pride in my work and will go the extra mile as my work ethic is, the jobs not done until the customer is happy.

So where did the Futuretech name come from…well personally I hate the term “tech” with reference to working on airsoft equipment and I am certainly not claiming to be the Future of airsoft teching.

It actually came about from a conversation discussing a brand I very much like, Retro Arms. That’s a pretty cool name and instantly recognisably, though when you think about the words it does suggest they make cannon or muskets so I commented that a name looking forward would perhaps better describe their product….and Futuretech for Future technologies was suggested and stuck.

See what else we can offer by clicking on one of the icons below...

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